
Sheryl Smith is a Psychotherapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

Most people enter into psychotherapy because they feel stuck. Often this feeling is accompanied by anxiety or depression or other symptoms. They have tried everything they know of to feel better, without success. Psychotherapy uses the safe, benevolent relationship with the therapist to reveal a person’s underlying belief system that governs their thoughts and feelings. Gaining insight into automatic, unquestioned assumptions can help people change their usual reactions. Through interacting with a psychotherapist, a person’s self-assessment becomes more positively aligned with reality and less negatively distorted. I am both a clinical and a sport psychologist. I work in psychotherapy with clients who are experiencing anxiety or depression. My sub-specialty is anxiety management and I am certified in the use of biofeedback for this purpose. I also work in mental training for performance enhancement with athletes and other performers. We will build a safe place in which to work on sensitive issues.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

415 Highland Avenue Cheshire, CT 06410


Connecticut / 001637


University of Connecticut


(203) 806-9114

Professional Overview


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