Renee McNerhany is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
You want to be listened to and not judged. You want to be understood and accepted for who you are. You want to clarify and live by your own values. You want to understand that what happened to you wasn’t your fault and doesn’t define you. You want to be in healthy relationships. You want to learn to believe in yourself and your ability to live a purposeful and fulfilling life. You want to learn to be self-compassionate and recognize that you are good enough as you are. You want to grow deeper into your own goodness. And you don’t want to wait for these things until you are no longer grieving or feeling depressed or anxious. I believe you have all that you need to learn, grow and change within you right now. I can help you recognize your strengths and skills and use them to create a plan that helps you resolve the most pressing problems in your life. I have worked with individuals to help resolve trauma, relationship problems, self-sabataging behaviors and other issues. When we work together, you will have a trusted professional to help you identify and explore the problems most important to you and create a way for healing body, mind and spirit.