Nathalie Maggio is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
How would your life change if you started therapy today? Right now, you have taken your first step towards overall health and personal growth. I understand that everyone enters therapy at a different emotional place, and I work to meet you where you are at. I offer a highly individualized approach to therapy so you get exactly what you want from therapy. I will not mold you to fit my therapeutic model but will individualize an approach that works best with your personality, needs, and goals. I use latest technologies and feedback informed treatment (FIT) in order to measure and visualize your progress. I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional which allows me to help you work on any unresolved trauma and painful past experiences you may have. Unlike many other therapists, I will work with your individual strengths to not simply reduce symptoms but also increase overall WELL-BEING and happiness. My goal is to help you understand yourself better, to identify obstacles on your path, and support you in navigating these obstacles effectively. I can help you find the answers you need and the strength to turn these answers into the life you want. I am looking forward to working with you! I offer a complimentary 15 minutes consultation.