
Michela Taylor is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

There are many pressures from society to perform a certain way, to achieve certain things by particular time frames, and to think like the group. But what if we don’t? Does that mean we can’t be a part of society? We all feel lonely and marooned on weirdo island sometimes. Truly understanding ourselves and how we want to live our lives can sometimes feel like a far-fetched fantasy. However, figuring out who we are isn’t something that we have to do alone. Identifying ways in which we can grow can be an extremely difficult and daunting task to take on by yourself. Through guidance and support, therapy can open doors to new avenues of life that seemed impossible. Therapy is a place where you can explore your mind and heart without judgement or criticism. Come to a place where you are free to discover what feeds your soul and evolves your life. Call me to set up an appointment today!

Contact Details

Practice Address:

1151 El Centro Street Suite B South Pasadena, CA 91030



The Chicago School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles


(626) 313-4536

Professional Overview


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