Ingrid Nelson-Stefl is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
In my 36 years of practice, I’ve focused on being the best therapist I can be and have become a much more active one as I’ve come to appreciate the usefulness of evidence-based therapies as well a psychoanalytic psychotherapy, all tailored to the individual needs of my clients and, if applicable, their families. Often people can be too hard on themselves, think badly of themselves, get easily overwhelmed, have angry outbursts, feel depressed, worry a lot, feel bothered by painful past events, feel stuck, and not know how to cope. And, parents can try many things and end up feeling lost regarding their child’s behavior problems. I am good at helping people of all ages feel comfortable w/ me, in respecting and having compassion for them, and in building trusting therapeutic relationships. I can help people identify feelings, get access to the answers within, work w/ those insights, and transform them into coping skills. I can help families get along better and children behave better. No matter how many strengths you or your family may have, everyone has some issues. Perfection is impossible and human development and life are hard with pitfalls along the way. If you’re struggling w/ something and have questions or would like to make an appointment, I welcome your call. You are important.