Gaylene Ludwig is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Some moments in our lives can reveal our unhappiness, dissatisfaction, or frustration with parts of our existence. Are you feeling stuck in one of these moments? Maybe you’re unsure why you even feel this way, which just adds to the pressure you already feel. Maybe you’ve pinpointed the remedy but are struggling to make that change. As an empathetic, compassionate professional, I am here to work with you, to support your goals and empower you in improving your life. I would be privileged to be a part of your journey towards becoming your best self. Moreover, trauma and the resulting symptoms can be a multi-headed monster, including nightmares, flashbacks, high levels of irritability, and self-destructive behaviors. As trauma can powerfully impact on our lives, I also specialize in working with those who’ve struggled with the symptoms of trauma through use of EMDR and trauma-based treatment strategies. Call or text me and I will respond within 24-48 business hours to help you begin your journey of healing. Together, we will create goals, both meaningful and purposeful, in a treatment plan designed to give you what you seek – a life updated.