Dr. Regina Petterson is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Welcome to my page! I am mindful of how expensive therapy can be and I offer an affordable sliding scale. My approach as a psychodynamically trained psychologist is to create an atmosphere of safety and empathy to help you feel at ease. I will work with you to unfold and rework your deep seated beliefs. These beliefs form out of experiences throughout your life, especially in childhood, and are often maladaptive, limiting, and impede your functioning, causing noticeable symptoms. Furthermore, they may get in the way of achieving your desired goals, and negatively impact your self-esteem and ability to cope with stress. It is not unusual for a person thinking about starting psychotherapy to feel both hope and dread. You may feel hopeful that your current way of being and relating in the world will be transformed. You may feel dread that your developmental longing to repair what was traumatically broken or missing from childhood won’t be met. I will work to help you understand your psychological wounds and your resultant beliefs from the historical context in which they originated. You will begin to know yourself in a new way and transcend your pain. This will help you relate to others with more flexibility, feel a deeper level of trust and intimacy, and become a greater version of yourself.
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Allardt and Los Angeles, California 90049