Dominique Walker is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
This is your first step! Every step matters! You may be feeling exhausted, confused, tired, hopeless, not sure what to do next. You may just be little off your road, and need some assistance to get back on. I’m here to support and guide you with honesty, compassion and non judgement. I want to help you through the difficult moments, the obstacles and the detours in the road that you may not be able to see the light. I believe with time, patience, work and compassion for yourself, together we can achieve your goals, get you to your light, provide a peace within and to know there is hope. I have over ten years of experience in residential, psychiatric facility and in home therapy. Every person is different and the treatment is created to you specifically. I am here for you! A safe place for discovery, hope and growth! As part of services, you can come to the office or I can come to your home, I promise to provide the best quality of care to you. During this difficult and challenging time, I will be working with a sliding scale, we can agree together on the value for you.