
Cheryl Lockett is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

My name is Dr. Lockett, I am a clinical therapist and also a non-profit organization( MIND Family & Social Services, Inc). We provide counseling and community intervention to adults and children. Our focus is on diffusing the current crisis/situation, evaluate its nature to reduce the likelihood of the re-occurrence. Our aim is to ensure clinical appropriateness of services provided, improve client’s ability to care for self and family and ensure linkage to community resources. Primary use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, trauma focused, person-centered and solution focused as these are evidence based practices in the delivery of services. CBT is an empirically validated treatment model and effective in treating adults and children suffering from a variety of mental health issues to include depression, anxiety, bipolar, PTSD etc. My specialty is individual, family counseling, anger management/conflict resolution, behavior modification, couple’s counseling, depression assessment, domestic violence, trauma assessments, child abuse & neglect, diagnostic assessments, psychological evaluation, comprehensive assessments, grief therapy tele-mental health etc.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

153 Lee Byrd Road Loganville, GA 30052


Georgia / LPC010279


Capella University


(470) 264-5184

Professional Overview


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