Social Worker

Allison Grace Maxwell-Johnson is a Social Worker based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

I am often asked “how long does therapy last?” and my answer is “as long as it takes”. I practice from a psychodynamic perspective, which means I pay attention to feelings and beliefs that emerge from one’s lived experience. Our history plays an important role in emotional development, and our sense of self. It is my desire to help those who feel their emotional state is interfering with living fully, creatively, and freely in the present. It is my belief that psychotherapy, at its best, is a transformative experience that happens within a safe place, in which you are listened to, understood, and responded to honestly and directly. If you have tried treatment before, suffer from depression, or anxiety, are attempting to change unsatisfying patterns in your life, and find you need to understand your motivations at greater depth, I invite you to consult and discuss an insight oriented study of yourself in psychodynamically based psychotherapy. I have a history working in medical social work with liver transplant patients, inpatient psychiatric settings, and in academia. Currently, I am an associate professor at Loma Linda School of Behavioral Health and a PhD candidate at the Institute for Clinical Social Work. My dissertation “The lived experiences of Animal Rescue Workers” is in progress.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

18 E State Street Redlands, CA 92373


California / 29027


Institute for Clinical Social Work


(909) 402-3088

Professional Overview


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