What is Transference-Focused Therapy?

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Transference-Focused Therapy helps treat personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder. TFP focuses on the relationships and interactions between client and counselor, which it posits can improve outside relationships.

Transference is when clients transfer their feelings about a significant relationship to their relationship with their counselor. Transference can result from harmful or abusive relationships in childhood or relationships with primary caregivers. If your therapist can see the dynamics you employ in other important relationships, they can focus on helping you change negative patterns of relating to others.

Individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder often have trouble relating to others. In TFP, your counselor will examine these patterns, make you aware of them, and help you change them. Your therapist will help you explore the emotions that arise as you relate to others, how you cope with these emotions, and how this impacts your sense of self.

While counselors initially used TFP for just Borderline Personality Disorder, people with various mental health concerns might benefit from this approach. Those who have troubles in interpersonal relationships, regulating or coping with difficult emotions, or dealing with anxiety or depression could benefit from Transference-Focused Therapy.

Therapists Who Specialize in Using Transference-Focused Therapy

K. Chinwe Idigo, PhD


New Jersey

Idigo Forensic and Clinical Psychology, is a boutique private practice providing cutting edge psychological intervention. Whether you struggle with depression, anxiety, trauma, or stress, or are looking to improve relationships, and for personal growth, our interventions are tailored to treat the whole person. We are trained in a variety of interventions, and design a treatment plan that is tai...

Morgun Custer, Ph.D.



I am a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in Austin, Texas, and serving all of Texas and New York state. My practice specializes in recovery from depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship problems. If you are interested in learning more, you can check out my practice website at (www.homeofmentalhealth.com).