Encounter-Centered Couples Therapy seeks to assist couples in enjoying one another’s presence and actively engaging in being together.
EcCT focuses on “three invisible connectors”: the space, bridge, and encounter. These ideas are metaphors to help couples be more fully connected and authentic. The idea behind the three invisible connectors is for couples to close the space between them, walk across the bridge holding them back, and truly encounter one another.
A central tenet of Encounter-Centered Couples Therapy is experiencing joy simultaneously, referred to as “communion” by EcCT practitioners. When partners experience communion, they also can experience growth. This approach to counseling aims to bring forth a couple’s creativity and aliveness.
If you want to make your relationship more enthusiastic, connected, and whole, you may benefit from Encounter-Centered Couples Therapy.
Therapists Who Specialize in Using Encounter-Centered Couples Therapy