Are You Struggling With a Traumatic Brain Injury?

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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an injury that affects the brain. TBIs can cause many mental health issues depending on the type of injury sustained. TBIs are directly associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and mood disorders.

Available Treatment Options

Individuals with a TBI may benefit from various medications and physical, speech, and occupational therapy.

Therapists Who Specialize in Helping Those Who Struggle With Traumatic Brain Injury

Do you ever find yourself asking, How did I get here? How did my life take the direction it has? Perhaps you experienced some kind of trauma in your past - childhood abuse, a relationship trauma, or those received on the battlefield - and you are wondering why what happened in the past continues to affect and impact your life now. Or, you could be struggling in your marriage. The truth is that ...
I am a licensed professional counselor, and board certified art therapist. I use a person-centered approach to my practice, incorporating psychotherapy and art therapy, to personalize sessions to meet my client's specific needs and goals. I believe in a therapeutic relationship built on trust, compassion, and non-judgement. Art therapy allows for exploration of creative process which helps to...
I strive to create an environment to support children and adults, to improve their lives by having more enjoyable relationships. I like to provide my patients the required tools to succeed in life. I have loved to serve the community and use my natural ability to empathize. I received my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in May 2015. Since my graduation, I have been performing psychological evaluati...
**Virtual Therapy** In this unique time of uncertainty there are many moments of anxiety and uncertainty. Don't do it alone! If you are struggling please reach out and get the support you need to navigate this time. I have been helping others for 29 years. I am a Clinical Psychologist trained in many different modalities. My life experience combined with my training and education has equipped m...
In my professional work (testing and therapy), I believe in meeting individuals where they are at in their lives. I believe most individuals seek testing or therapy when they have reached a point where they feel something needs to change (for therapy patients) or they want an answer (for testing patients). I also believe some individuals are not as certain and seek professional assistance for...
CERTIFIED INTERVENTION PROFESSIONAL. An Intervention is the first step toward recovery. I specialize in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Interventions. I am a Master level Certified Intervention Professional with over 25 years experience conducting mental health, substance abuse, alcohol, and process addiction disorder interventions. When a loved one is suffering from depression, bipolar disor...
I am a licensed psychotherapist (LMFT) who believes in personalized and holistic care. My experience includes treating a variety of issues such as: depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders, relational problems, relationship difficulties, bipolar disorder, trauma, psychosis, substance abuse, as well as adjustment to phase of life dynamics, and issues affecting blended families. I specialize in ...
My mission is to help clients realign and improve their mental, emotional, and physical health by choosing healthy change. With a mix of practical skills and a sense of humor, I help clients explore current concerns while considering past difficulties and negative patterns. I believe the client has the power to change their thoughts and behaviors. My counseling techniques serve to support and...
I bring simple communication skills to the table for couples or families stuck in angry stances. I help each person feel heard, listened to and understood, helping them learn how to come alongside each other with empathy and insight instead of competing and blaming. Taking responsibility and learning when they are projecting their own feelings onto others instead of owning their own emotions. I...
Hello! I offer psychotherapy and professional consultation services. As a therapist I work with adults (18 and up) who have difficulties related to trauma, life transitions, relationship issues, loss, and aging, including anxiety, depression, decreases in life satisfaction, and end of life concerns. I am cognitive-behavioral in my theoretical orientation and pull from a range of evidence-based...
There are times when life can be extremely difficult and during these times it may feel as if you do not have the right tools to manage. We can sometimes be blind to our own behaviors that may be causing us to repeat painful patterns in our life. My goal as your therapist is to help you to function more effectively and to find more joy in life. My belief is that anyone can benefit from therapy....

Sahar Hussain

New York

New York

Anxiety tends to become a problem when it starts impacting your ability to live the life you want for yourself. The feeling of anxiety can be very crippling and leave one feeling physically, mentally and emotionally fatigued. In our work together, my focus is to help you effectively work through your anxiety, fears, uncertainty and negative thought patterns. I value creating a safe space for my...
I have a Master of Social Work with a sub concentration in working with military personnel and their families. I have extensive experience in working with individuals (adults and teens) with PTSD and traumatic experiences as an inpatient and outpatient clinician. In addition, I have worked closely with those who are challenged by addiction to drugs and alcohol. Through my experiences, I have fo...

Josh Clark



*NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS* You are resilient. You can overcome trauma, heal from pain, rise up out of depression, and free yourself from the grip of anxiety. Brain science confirms our minds have a profound capacity for healing, especially when tapped into correctly. At Resilient Minds, LLC, my private practice, I specialize in providing the treatments that are scientifically shown t...
So often today we get caught up in the next TV show, Facebook post or YouTube sensation that we forget about the power of the human connection. When I walk into my office with someone, I am looking forward to hearing their story and what makes them who they are today. I have experience working with children and families in DCFS, adults in inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient programs,...