Are You Struggling With a Traumatic Brain Injury?

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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an injury that affects the brain. TBIs can cause many mental health issues depending on the type of injury sustained. TBIs are directly associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and mood disorders.

Available Treatment Options

Individuals with a TBI may benefit from various medications and physical, speech, and occupational therapy.

Therapists Who Specialize in Helping Those Who Struggle With Traumatic Brain Injury

Life has a way of throwing complications at us in ways that is too much to handle alone. These are the times when you have to reach out for help. The staff at Family Care Counseling Center is here to guide you threw the rough terrain, and walk with you until you can walk alone. We use a holistic approach to therapy, in safe warm and inviting space for all ages. We use Client Centered Solution...

Colorado In-Home Counseling



Colorado In-Home Counseling is a specialized provider of traveling counseling services for seniors and disabled adults. If you or your aging loved one are faced with one of life's difficult transitions or coping with disability, loss of independence, chronic illness or pain, depression or anxiety, I may be able to help. I am experienced with limited mobility or homebound clients and those livin...
Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, upset, scared, angry, or feeling out of control. Therapy can be used as a vehicle to help you recover from difficult issues. Attending therapy can evoke feelings of uncertainty, a fear of sharing personal information, and a book stack of positive and negative thoughts. In fact, it is normal to have these concerns. The best therapy outcomes that I have foun...
Healing Hoof Steps is committed to improving lives, one foot and one hoof step at a time, using a broad range of equine assisted therapy sessions. By empowering individuals, couples and families, to define their own successes through working with horses, Healing Hoof Steps continues to improve the mental, emotional, behavioral, social and physical well-being of the NWF Community. Equine assiste...
Welcome! Facing life's difficulties alone while feeling overwhelmed can lead to feelings of hopelessness for positive change. I believe a warm, accepting, solution-focused space where one can feel heard can result in lasting and meaningful transformation. Incorporating the past and present can be useful in achieving insight, which can serve to promote problem-solving. I incorporate evidenced-ba...
The therapeutic experience should encourage one to live a more satisfying and meaningful life. Everyone has a unique journey through this world and the sum of the experiences along the way (good or bad) make us as individual. Sometimes we get lost, hit bumps, or even get overcome with a tidal wave of things that we need help getting back on our path or creating a new one. I have worked with peo...
I have noticed that the stress and isolation of the pandemic has served as a rite of passage inviting us to move into the next phase of our growth. Old traumas, deep wounds, and key moments of suffering in our lives are arriving to be healed. Painful things we have been able to tolerate are no longer tolerable. Co-arising with the struggle is a renewed desire for peace, belonging, wisdom, and...
Today is the First Day of the Rest of your Life. As we all travel on this journey called "life", sometimes we need a little guidance and support. It is an honor and pleasure to work with individuals as they navigate their lives to heal, move forward, and reach their full potential. I utilize an eclectic format of therapeutic modalities to better work with and engage my clients. Dialectic Behavi...
My approach to psychotherapy/psychoanalysis is to provide a safe, non-judge mental and trusting environment where you can freely express your feelings. I believe each of us is striving to develop our own unique sense of self. We can do this together by identifying beliefs and behaviors that do not serve you and cultivating ones that do. This becomes a partnership. I am committed to helping you ...
As a clinician in the mental health field for over 20 years, I have a great deal of knowledge and experience to offer my clients. I enjoy working with individuals ages 14 and older with a variety of life issues, mental health diagnoses and life stressors. Specifically I utilize empirically based treatment modalities along with a relationship based approach to alleviate pain and suffering caused...
Dr. Bridget Rippe believes that there is a profound mind and body connection. She likes to find the root cause of the problem to help you embody a state of balance. If health related issues are impacting your life or creating distress on your overall well-being, Dr. Rippe will work in collaboration with you to help move you towards reaching your full potential. Dr. Rippe utilizes evidenced-base...
Most of my patients come to me feeling a significant level of distress. Some may have seen a mental health professional before and have some idea of what to expect. However, for many this may be the first time they have ever met with a mental health professional and they may feel apprehensive about the process. My goal in that initial session is to strike a balance between putting the person at...
Welcome to Sayegh Psychology (, a small psychological assessment private practice in Santa Monica, California. Dr. Phil Sayegh offers psychoeducational, neuropsychological, psychological, and personality assessments for adolescents (ages 16+), adults, and older adults. Assessments can help you understand yourself or your child better, identify strengths and...

Julie A Hardman


North Carolina

Accepting new clients via Teletherapy. I counsel clients living with anxiety, depression, chronic pain and illness, relationship issues, trauma, work stress, major life transitions, grief and loss. I work exclusively with women ages 21+. I am an ally of the LGBTQIA community. Please contact me today to schedule an intake so we can determine if we are a good fit to collaborate and explore...

Steve Tutty



Dr. Tutty provides comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological testing for children, adolescents, and young adults. Issues of specialty include ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, defiance, twice-exceptional, complex mood disorders, sports-related concussions, first-brake psychosis, anxiety (e.g., OCD), trauma (e.g., PTSD), depression (e.g., dysthymia, major depression, SAD), and medica...