Are You Struggling With Internet Addiction?

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Internet addiction is when a person spends a significant amount of time using the internet, so much that it interrupts their daily life.

Available Treatment Options

Counseling interventions therapists use may include behavioral techniques that help individuals use the internet less frequently, such as goal setting, thought stopping, and practicing alternative behaviors to lessen the frequency of use.

The goal of therapy is to reduce the behavior, so people may benefit from cognitive, behavioral, or environmental changes depending on their specific situation.

Therapists Who Specialize in Helping Those Who Struggle With Internet Addiction

Better State of Mind


District of Columbia

Integrated Mental Wellness is an approach combining traditional approaches to mental health such as talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, medications with other modalities that together more comprehensively support wellbeing. Wellness has many domains including relationships/community, health/diet/physical activity, creativity, meaning/spirituality. This approach addresses a whole person ...