Are You Struggling With Anorexia or Bulimia?

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Anorexia is not eating food and a fear of gaining weight. Bulimia is purging foods after having eaten for fear of gaining weight. Both these and other eating disorders are extremely dangerous and have some of the highest morbidity rates of any mental illness.

There are residential or inpatient programs for those experiencing eating disorders to reside in a more controlled environment during their recovery.

Treatment for an eating disorder will address symptoms, medical consequences, and all factors that contribute to or maintain the eating disorder. Typically treatment will be provided by a treatment team and consist of psychotherapy and nutrition counseling while also addressing any co-occurring mental health or medical issues related to the eating disorder.

Therapists Who Specialize in Helping Those Who Struggle With Eating Disorders

Better State of Mind


District of Columbia

Integrated Mental Wellness is an approach combining traditional approaches to mental health such as talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, medications with other modalities that together more comprehensively support wellbeing. Wellness has many domains including relationships/community, health/diet/physical activity, creativity, meaning/spirituality. This approach addresses a whole person ...

Leslie R Roach


North Carolina

I am a somatically trained psychotherapist who understands the courage it takes to pursue therapy and I strive to provide a safe, non-judgmental, and welcoming environment in which to begin this process. I work from a somatic and attachment-based approach to therapy. Through prior years as a bodyworker, I gained a clear understanding of the connection between mind and body. Since then, I have...
I hold a personnel belief that the client needs to tell their story, feel safe in doing so, and form a bond of trust with their therapist. I have worked in mental health for 13 years. My background started in Criminal Justice. My first Masters degree is in this field, and continued to a Maters in Counseling. There was always one comon thread. They were broken. A broken person loses trust, in bo...