We want to help you connect with a therapist who speaks Spanish. We know finding a therapist you connect with isn’t an easy task. We know this is even more difficult when language barriers are present. Use our therapist directory to locate a therapist near you that speaks Spanish. Bilingual counselors exist and we want to help you find one that speaks your native language.Therapists That Speak Spanish
You may be feeling overwhelmed and there is nothing wrong with seeking help. Perhaps you are not ready to come into the office, or its simply too hard to find the time to get the help you need. Counseling California Online offers a way for you to talk to someone from your comfort zone at your own time and pace. Online counseling is perfect for you to quickly start working on what is bothering y...
I work collaboratively with individuals to improve their quality of life through the use of effective treatments. This approach enables me to focus on my client's journey of self-exploration, self-compassion and growth. My goal is to provide a safe and validating environment from which one can thrive! I have several years of experience working in Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient...
If you are trying to cope with a major life transition, have relationship concerns, or are feeling anxious and/or depressed, then I may be the right fit for you. I also specialize in cognitive processing therapy, an evidence based treatment for individuals dealing with trauma. Finally, I can help you if you are experiencing infertility, miscarriage, loss of a baby, or have postpartum depression...
Challenges present themselves in many ways. Sometimes they make you feel confused, sad or worried, sometimes you don’t even know how you feel or what is ahead. The way you face those challenges says a great deal about you, specially if finding professional help to face those challenges wasn’t an easy decision, but here you are, determined to find help, and that’s a good start. My name is Wilmar...
Sometimes self-doubt, anxiety, depression and stress cloud our judgement and our path to a balanced, happy, functional, life. I work with individuals, couples and families to create the path that is perfect for you. We will work on improving communication and coping skills. I will guide you through your journey and help you see and overcome the obstacles that impede the person/family you want t...
A person's needs are completely individual and personal. I assist clients to develop their own goals as well as their own perspective. Ideally, a client wants to feel better, live better, be better; I am here to listen and remind clients of their choices as well as process their emotions on the journey! When working with children, I work from a structural approach, meaning that the whole system...
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 10 years of experience working with children, adolescents, couples and families. I am dedicated to providing a safe, collaborative and confidential environment to address challenging situations in life. I have a passion and desire to help individuals and families find the happiness and change they are seeking. I offer therapy in Spanish an...
Hello my name is Carmela Sanchez. I am Psychiatric Physician Assistant. Im a prescriber for addiction/substance abuse and psychiatric medication management. Im also in collaboration with Assisted Living Facilities to treat residents in their psychiatric needs. Bilingual (Spanish-English)...
“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.”― C. Rogers I firmly believe that the reparative, and at times uncomfortable, experiences that occur in therapy translate to healing and a more fulfilling life. An...
Feelings of worry, high levels of stress and sadness can sometimes be overwhelming. Let me tell you, you are not alone. Many people have a hard time sharing their thoughts and feelings but this can be strengthened with practice. A therapeutic environment is a place of openness, safety, and growth. Therapy is the most important work you will do for yourself and the ones you love. I specialize in...
Hope for Healing provides just that. It is important to start with giving hope when it may be lost, and provide hope as a starting point for the healing process. We believe hope is the catalyst for the healing that will come, and is a must to achieve success. 20 years experience working with people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. Work with Autism. Bilingual (Spanish). Home Visits ...
I specialize in the treatment of anxiety disorders (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, phobias, panic disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), hoarding disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), utilizing exposure and response prevention therapy. What maybe differentiates my practice from others is that I am able to meet people in their homes and work with them...
I am Licensed in Colorado and a National Board Certified Counselor offering online (Video-Voice Telehealth) counseling services in both English and Spanish. I specialize in helping individuals and couples that want to advance their relationships, education, careers and wellness goals. Experiencing fear, stress, anxiety, worry, panic, nervousness or difficulty sleeping. Feeling sad, hopeless,...
Our ideal client is someone who wants to be free from the chains of addiction naturally in just 3 days! They must understand the root causes of their addiction and understand the importance of the biopsychosocial model. Addiction is a coping mechanism for anxiety and depression, which results from inflammation and stress. This leads to addiction by an individual's poor choice. A superior means ...
Do you feel sad/depressed or anxious? Are you having problems with your spouse/partner? I provide Individual, family and couple’s therapy. Family Solutions Counseling is focused on helping children, adolescents and families to smile, hope and dream again or perhaps for the first time. Family Solutions Counseling Services is an organization providing counseling, mentoring, and training parents,...