We want to help you connect with a therapist who speaks Mandarin. We know finding a therapist you connect with isn’t an easy task. We know this is even more difficult when language barriers are present. Use our therapist directory to locate a therapist near you that speaks Mandarin. Bilingual counselors exist and we want to help you find one that speaks your native language.
I am a bilingual clinician with over 8 years of experience working with children, adolescents, and adults with a variety of concerns. I have provided bilingual services in English and Mandarin in a variety of settings, including domestic violence shelters, community mental health counseling centers, university counseling centers, and group practice. I work with a number of concerns, but I feel...
From my experience, people benefit from knowing what patterns constrict them from lasting happiness: repeating relationship issues, being your own worst critic, lack of confidence, worries about what others think about you, or trouble expressing how you truly feel. In a supportive, non-judgmental space, my work maintains a balance of relieving emotion distress, gaining insights and building...
I have over 25 years of experience practicing counseling and psychotherapy. My expertise spans a wide range of topics, including couples counseling, marriage and family, depression and anxiety, trauma, self-injury, cross cultural issues, and teenage issues. I had worked at the University Counseling and Psychological Services of Wayne State University in Detroit, and taught graduate level classe...
*Accepting New Patients* Do you feel that life hasn't turned out as planned? Maybe you have achieved big goals, yet you can't shake off a sense of inadequacy. You wish that you weren't so tense or irritable, and that you can stop the negative thoughts from going around and around in your mind. Logically, you know that no one is perfect, but emotionally, you don't believe that you or anyone else...
( English | 中文 ) When you wish you could have someone with whom you can share your pain, doubts and questions, I am here to listen with completely non-biased and non-judgmental support. God blessed me with a compassionate heart enabling me to genuinely listen, to care and to love. I truly believe every soul will recover when given genuine care, love and understanding. With years of mental hea...
( English | Hrvatski | Босански | Српски ) Bruner & Gleason Therapeutic Services комбинирају године професионалног развоја, разноврсна професионална искуства и различита клиничка интересовања, с нагласком на пружању подршке клијенту кроз снагу терапијског односа. Ми вјерујемо у индивидуални приступ терапији, цијенимо јединственост сваке особе и настојимо пронаћи приступ који највише одговара кр...
( English | 中文 ) Do you feel your life was hijacked by your past or haunted by awful memories? Have you experienced your fear, anxiety, depression or self-doubt like a relentless storm threatening to capsize you? You may feel lost and wonder why you fall into the same pattern. The narratives you tell yourself can have a profound impact on the way you see yourself. Maybe you are tired of the i...
Finding balance and living a fulfilling life is easier said than done. The concepts may seem simple, but the reality is that it takes patience and bravery to ride out the waves. As a therapist, I encourage you to find confidence, purpose, and meaning to live authentically in the present. I have experience and passion working with those experiencing multigenerational trauma and transitions, as w...
You're not sure why you have bad dreams, flashbacks, fear, bouts of crying, bursts of anger, or irritability. You find yourself avoiding certain situations, events or people even though you don't want to avoid them. You feel stuck, but you haven't gotten the help you need because it seems like too much work. What if it's too painful or it takes too much time? I use EMDR therapy to help you heal...
Therapy is an opportunity to address problems we want to change, gain insights into our concerns, and develop new ways of being. My approach to therapy is best described as integrative with a strong grounding in psychodynamic, relational, and multicultural principles. I draw on cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy to...
Looking for help? Everyone goes through times when they need support - some problems are too difficult to solve alone. The MTS Counseling Center offers high-quality and affordable mental health care to individuals, couples, and families in the Chicago area. We are located in the heart of downtown and offer free parking. We are able to treat a number of issues such as depression/anxiety, anger,...
I work in partnership with my clients to explore their concerns, build and strengthen ways of coping, and create positive changes. We all face challenges, transitions, changes, and growth and these can be exciting as well as emotionally difficult, intimidating or overwhelming. Feeling sad, worried, angry, or confused may be part of the process. Your desire may be for a closer, stronger...
As a Clinical Therapist, I treat children, teenagers, and adults; women; immigration/new comers; clients with disabilities; vulnerable coping skills; self-esteem issues; depression and anxiety, etc. By working with various groups of clients and families in different communities, I sharpened my counseling skills in enhancing self-awareness, assisting in life transition, re-configuring family...
We all want to be happy, belong, and feel loved. Yet at some point in our lives we struggle, get bogged down, and feel stuck. Getting support can help you understand what is going on and help you discover new ways of thinking about yourself and your relationships. My goal is to help bridge the gap of where you currently are and where you want to be. I view my role as empowering you to make thos...
I am a clinical director and independent contractor. I provide online telehealth, home-based & office-based counseling services with children, teens, and families with history of trauma/abuse/neglect, special needs, Autism Spectrum Disorders/Aspergers, and other behavioral problems/issues. I use traditional approaches and biofeedback approaches. I also works with adults, couples and families fo...