We want to help you connect with a therapist who speaks Creole. We know finding a therapist you connect with isn’t an easy task. We know this is even more difficult when language barriers are present. Use our therapist directory to locate a therapist near you that speaks Creole. Bilingual counselors exist and we want to help you find one that speaks your native language.
Is your marriage/family/self in turmoil? You're feeling depressed; you're not living to your potential. Can you identify your emotional struggles? Sleepless? Is this fast-paced life threatens your faith, your Emotional Stability? Do you have a good understanding of yourself? Do you feel that you don't measure up regardless of the approach? Are you sick & tired and want to do something about it?...
Life isn't always easy. Sometimes, even the strongest amongst us need help to work through some of life's more challenging times. Are you on the verge of a divorce? Have you lost a child, a spouse or someone dear (pets count) and feel like you just can't live on? Have you experienced trauma that paralyzes and highjacks your life? Everyone has battles to fight and hurdles to overcome at various...
Accepting New Clients! You have one life to live and deserve to invest in you. We are here to help you on your journey to becoming your best version of yourself. Whether for your own sake, or to better yourself for the many roles in your life - partner, parent, son, daughter, co-worker, friend, global community member. When you make a positive change in yourself, the waves of those changes can ...
Who We Are: We are an intimately diverse and rich group, which consists of a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) with training in Marriage and Family Therapy, as well as EMDR, two Licensed Clinical Social Workers, a Mater's Level Therapist, Case Manager, and Psychiatrist. As an LMHC, I use EMDR to help clients move from frozen in time to a more adaptive self following traumatic experiences....
Are you looking for ways to improve your life and your relationships? Unresolved trauma affecting your marriage and intimate relationship? I want to help you to focus on solutions and connect to your strength in order to create new possibilities. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with over 21 years of experience working with children, adolescent, and adults providing individual, group,...
We at the Miami Psychology Group (MPG) believe in providing effective, kind and supportive treatment. All our professionals participate in ongoing training to maintain the highest standards in our field. We encourage all clients to participate in initial interviews to see if the practice professionals can meet your needs and most importantly help heal, address and consult on the presenting reas...
Are you feeling stuck and don't know where you turn in life? Are you feeling emotionally or physically disconnected from your partner? Are you overtaken by grief? Is your family falling apart or full of conflict? Tired of struggling with substance use issues or unhealthy connections with others? Our team is dedicated to helping you move forward in your life by making healthy choices, creating a...
Hello, My name is Celina Ford, and I am a licensed clinical psychologist. I am the owner of Robin Psychology, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in diagnostic testing and multidisciplinary treatment planning. Our goal is to offer insight into an individual's cognitive functioning for renewed hope and understanding. After identifying the true area of concern, we find that once the right...
It’s hard to imagine what your life could be like when we go through in rough patches that often become discouraging and/or normalized. This can then lead to unforeseen problems and unconscious patterns within us and within our relationships. The good news is that this is normal human behavior, however, when we are going through these struggles, we sometimes need support in changing. Change is...
At the Human Growth Center of New Jersey, our mission is this: Our empathetic, non-judgmental staff will provide a comforting environment in order to help you find your inner joy, strengths, and healing. Our inherently caring and compassionate team of clinicians are completely dedicated to you, your needs, and empowering you through life's challenges and difficulties. Our center is unique from...
Hi there, and welcome. If your child's behaviors and/or emotions have you feeling eager to find a solution, I am here to help. Being a parent or caregiver to a child struggling with behavioral and emotional challenges is tough. And despite the fact that you know your child best, you may still be struggling to find the right interventions, supports, and resources to make it all better. That's wh...
Having Problems? Are You Stressed? Are You Misunderstood? I see clients who have unresolved conflict. I see clients when: It is time to seek my assistance when your professional life is challenge. It is time to seek my assistance when you the parent(s) seeking help for your adolescent youth faced with conduct and/or academic challenges. It is time to seek my assistance when you are faced with...
There are times in our life where we reach a point when we realize something may not be manageable anymore or has gotten bigger than we expected but you are here and you are taking the steps to implement change. Coming into a therapy session provides a safe space to explore this and challenge yourself to identify what is going on and how we can work together to accomplish that. We are a group...
Counseling Services of Atlanta offers individual, couples, family, and group therapy. We offer therapy and counseling services for both adults and children of all ages including video sessions. We now have 4 male therapists and 20 female therapists! We can treat a wide variety of mental health concerns and sessions are available by phone if needed. We are centrally located to provide services f...
I believe when clients have a safe place with genuine understanding and free of judgement, they are able to be their true selves and do their best work. With support and some guidance, clients have the opportunity to rediscover their strengths, build self-awareness and experience true connection which can lead to a life of purpose and fulfillment. I believe if you are willing, you have the abil...