We want to help you connect with a therapist who speaks Arabic. We know finding a therapist you connect with isn’t an easy task. We know this is even more difficult when language barriers are present. Use our therapist directory to locate a therapist near you that speaks Arabic. Bilingual counselors exist and we want to help you find one that speaks your native language.
Our lives consist of an intricate balance of family obligations, the demands of our careers, and keeping up with our social lives. ‘Wellness’ is the active process of becoming aware of making choices toward a healthy life. If you are feeling anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed, therapy is the place to be. It’s okay to seek help. My number one goal as a therapist is to help you feel like you are ...
As a psychotherapist I have worked with students of all ages, grades 6-12 for quite some time and I have broadened my horizons to provide support to adults who seek change and stability in their lives. My only goal is to provide my clients a safe haven, a place where they can feel comfortable enough to disclose their personal issues. Therapy is a place where my clients can trust me enough to...
May Ahmed earned her Masters Marriage and Family Counseling from Long Island University in 2016. She also earned an Advanced certification in Mental Health Counseling in 2018. May has experience in working with substance abuse, phobias, at-risk adolescents, children with Autism and ADHD. May often utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), as well as Mindfulness-Based and Psychodynamic...
Everyone is destined to experience stress, loneliness, loss, illness, pain, self-defeating choices, uncertainty, relationship or work problems. Sometimes it's hard to know when to ask for help. Seeking therapy does not mean there is something wrong with us. Many individuals are concerned about getting labeled with a mental illness because they are struggling with life issues, traumatic events o...