We’d like to help make sure your therapist profile is optimized for search. The more information you enter, the more opportunities you have for showing up in search and for converting profile visitors into clients.
When you add or update a profile, you’ll enter (or update) content using the checkboxes, drop-down menus, or text boxes provided. Completing the profile should take about 15 minutes. When finished you can choose to save and preview or to submit. If needed you can save your profile and return to it later through your provider dashboard to finish and submit.
If you would like assistance filling out your profile, just let us know. You can make an appointment with our team and we’ll be happy to help.
The name you use professionally or the name of your practice.
Therapist Title
Click the box for the title that best represents you and your practice.
Profile Image
Upload a photo of yourself with your face clear and centered. Click the upload arrow to choose an image from your computer. Image preview may cut off a little. Photos will be cropped in a circle.
For best picture quality:
Preview Overview
Write 1-2 short paragraphs (3 sentences or less each) describing your practice to help potential clients get an idea of if they want to know more about you. Think about:
Long Description
Write 3-5 short paragraphs (2-3 sentences each) describing your practice to an interested client. Think about:
This is where is your office is physically located.
Phone Number
The phone number clients should use to contact you.
The email clients should use to contact you.
If you have a practice website, insert the URL here. For practices without a website, leave this section blank.
Therapist Gender
Click the box that you identify with.
Click the box for your preferred pronouns.
List the education most relevant to your practice.
Year Graduated
List the year you finished your most relevant educational experience.
Identify your license and who administered it.
Click the boxes for all accreditations you currently hold.
Languages Spoken
Click the boxes for all languages you provide therapy in.
Accepting New Patients
Select the box that best represents the state of your practice right now. You can always edit this later according to your client load.
Ages Accepted
Click the box for all ages that you serve in your practice
Gender Accepted
Click the boxes for all genders your practice accepts.
Insurance Accepted
Click the box for all insurance you accept.
Price Range
Click the box for the range that fits your current rates.
Payment Optional
Click the box for all payment options you currently accept.
Click all modalities of therapy you provide.
Areas of Specialty
Click all areas of specialty that you provide therapy in. Please keep these relevant, so you are targeting the right clients for your practice.
Treatment Therapy
Click on all treatments that you are trained in and use regularly in your practice.
Communities Served
Click on any communities you have a special interest in or are trained in serving. You may leave this section blank if preferred.
Faith Served
Click on any faiths you have a special interest in or are trained in serving. You may leave this section blank if preferred.