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Are you looking for a therapist in the city of Seattle? We’d like to help!

We know face-to-face therapy with a licensed therapist is an important part of managing and improving your mental health. We encourage you to use our directory of mental health professionals to locate a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or social worker near you.

April M. Montez



We all have difficult experiences during our lives. These can include loss, grief, change, death of a loved one, illness, and many other situations that disrupt our lives and sense of self. During these challenging times it is important to feel heard and seen. I am here to listen and to help my clients find and nurture their own strengths to manage through and grow from difficult experiences....

Heather Thomson



You’re tired of being on autopilot, pretending that everything’s fine because you know it’s not. You feel like you’re sinking into quicksand with no way out. You’re overwhelmed, worried, and exhausted. You know that what you’re currently doing isn’t working, but you feel helpless and unsure of what to do differently. You want to feel rooted and grounded again, and to be able to get back to what...

Kevin Klevjer



Depression, anxiety, and the impact of trauma in our life and story often prevents us from living the life we yearn for. Martin Buber once said, “All real living is meeting.” We humans seem built for connection, for meeting, for encounter. We thrive when we are able to deeply see and be seen by another. Yet, all humans also experience barriers to connection. How can psychotherapy help?...

Melissa Myers



Hi there, welcome. At Bhramari Seattle PLLC, you will receive empathetic and compassionate professional care and support with your journey in life. The #metoo movement has brought light to the darkness of sexual assault in this world. Anxiety, depression, isolation, fearfulness, and pain are just a few associated symptoms. Our memories live in our mind, as well as the body. Sometimes, talk ther...

Lily Ewing



Life can get better. Do you want a happier, healthier life? If you need support and encouragement to take on your next steps in life, to heal from hurts of the past, or battle anxiety or depression, I will be with you to coach you, encourage you, and be an ally in your process. If you're looking to repair, strengthen, and grow your relationship, I will support you and teach you what it takes to...

Patrick Donley



Life is about connection with ourselves, with others, and with the world around us. Unfortunately, not all of us were raised in ways that makes it easy to make those connections, leaving us feeling distant, numb, anxious, confused, or frustrated. Therapy provides the space for you to say what you really think and feel, in confidence, and without the fear of judgment. It’s the holding of this...

Matthias Roberts



Many LGBTQ+ people have a hard time finding a place to turn when life goes wrong. This leaves them wondering “is there something wrong with me?” I'm a queer therapist who understands the unique support LGBTQ+ folks deserve so you can find your confidence and live the life you want. The hard truth is: coming out only gets you so far. Next comes living life. Relationships are complicated, mental...

Danny Henson



One of my areas of special interest is in the treatment of trauma and helping clients confront it's lasting impacts with compassion to allow growth. I am especially passionate about supporting families where parent and child were hurt by the same events, and helping parents find the way to heal while practicing parenting that understands what trauma has done, as well as how a healing parent is ...
No one is immune to depression, relationship problems, parenting issues, anxiety, and other common human experiences we face moving through life. Are you at a point in your life where you have used up all of the coping skills that you have to deal with life's challenges? Are you overwhelmed by emotional pain? Are you concerned about the current state of your life or the direction that your life...

Nancy Schub



Many of us feel unprepared to deal with the stressors, transitions and difficulties that occur throughout our lives. I have many years of experience helping people traverse these issues and develop the tools to cope and to thrive in the face of these challenges. I will work with you to examine the underlying issues that have led you to therapy and support your efforts to make meaningful changes...

Stacy Lewis



We are shaped by our life experiences, and most deeply in our early years by our loved ones. Much of our longing stems from three simple but profound needs: We want to be seen, chosen, and understood. There comes a time when it is worth developing insight into ourselves, from a stable standpoint in the here and now. Maybe you are spending a lot of time in self-doubt or self-criticism, or notice...

T. Shire Counseling



The journey of recovery from trauma can be an isolating and terrifying thing to endure. Our bodies carry the emotional wounds of the past into our present form, and glimpses of that pain can appear unexpectedly. But we do not have to be prisoners to our histories. If we learn to release this pent up energy; to sooth our inner children that have experienced so much suffering, and coach them thro...

Jessica Hoekstra



At its core, I believe therapy to be about cultivating space where change can occur. People come to therapy for a variety of reasons—seeking support and healing, desiring change, looking for relief from pain. As a therapist, I am committed to creating a safe-enough space for you to explore what brought you here, to listen well and to offer a supportive, non-judgmental presence. This is a...

Crissa Parsley



My desire is to create a safe place for adolescents and young adults to express themselves and work through the challenges of life. Growing up brings many natural transitions that can be challenging at times. With additional life stressors, life can feel overwhelming. Problems at school, low self-esteem, family conflict, past traumas, loss/grief, and other issues can create strong feelings that...
We all face challenges and obstacles in life, but sometimes we get stuck, overwhelmed, or notice repeating patterns that negatively affect our relationships, work, and our overall health. I help people who feel isolated, worried, lonely, sad, not good enough, or confused about what to do next. My clients are individuals who struggle with shame, low-self worth, depression, relationships, family...