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Are you looking for a therapist in the city of Seattle? We’d like to help!

We know face-to-face therapy with a licensed therapist is an important part of managing and improving your mental health. We encourage you to use our directory of mental health professionals to locate a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or social worker near you.

Robin Westby



Therapy is an unusual experience. It offers us a chance to be in a place and in a relationship where we can take off the filter of everyday life and be the most real version of ourselves we can imagine. It is a place to explore feeling "crazy," stuck or heartbroken and discover those thoughts and feelings that keep us from engaging with life as fully as we desire. I am skilled treating anxiety,...

Autumn del Fierro



The decision to start therapy can often be a significant one. "Goodness of fit" is an important part of this decision. My goal in therapy is to help you to feel better, to learn ways to actualize your full potential, and to be able to overcome barriers that get in the way of living a full and rewarding life. I use therapy strategies that have been shown through research to be effective in...

C Janene Dunston



My work with clients is about turning negatives into positives, growing and becoming stronger, learning new tools and finding solutions.  I am here to provide confidential counseling, to accept you where you are at,  to help you identify what is getting in the way of positive change and help you set goals you want to achieve.    Reaching out is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.  Wh...

Megan Swan



"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change." -Carl Rogers. When people are given effective tools to manage their stressors, they are able to see their full potential. People have an immense ability to cultivate compassion for themselves and others when provided a caring, nonjudgmental and safe environment within which to explore their feelings and...

Ali Clark



You're here because you can't do it alone anymore. You need help to shake the stuck feeling and wonder if depression, anxiety, co-dependency [or insert struggle of choice] are winning this battle. You try to quit old habits and form healthier habits, but to no avail. You want to be in relationships that build you up but, more often than not, you feel doubt. Your self-esteem is in question. You...

Eliza S Dietrichson



Most of us feel unprepared in the face of many of life's challenges and we all need help navigating difficult junctures and transitions. Depression and anxiety can be overwhelming and debilitating, as can chronic health conditions and struggles in relationships. I work with adults from a variety of backgrounds, orientations and age groups. My experience includes individual and group work with...

Morgan McCormick



I am a licensed clinical psychologist with 10 years of experience providing psychotherapy to adults and young adults. I approach the therapeutic relationship with genuine curiosity, openness and warmth and seek to provide a comfortable environment for you to explore your concerns. I see the therapeutic process as an opportunity for you to gain personal insight so that you may achieve satisfacti...

Nancy Haver



From all appearances, you've got it so good. Lying in wait, just under the surface, are the life traumas that wounded you deeply but were never addressed. And those secrets have you turning to substances more and more. One weekly drink becomes a daily bottle, and you're making excuses to your boss, your friends, your family. Do you want to quit but you don't know how? I can help you find your w...

Frewin Hermer Therapy LLC



I believe that you do not have to have it all figured out to move forward. Wherever you are, I will meet you there and help you to identify negative patterns or challenges, as well as strategies to learn and grow. I work with clients to help them rediscover their strengths and what they want their life to look like. I challenge clients in an emotionally safe environment to make changes that ena...

Tracy Henderson



Let's talk about the F-word....Feelings. I am passionate about emotions. All of us are full of them. The emotions we carry with us as individuals, as well as, what we bring into relationships can be powerful and challenging. I also understand that each of us carries with us an emotional heritage that is unique and has served as a means to support, protect, and empower each of us. I work with...

Rhoda J.K. Counseling



I currently have openings for new clients and can continue weekly sessions through Teletherapy using video. I work primarily with teens and young adults, as well as their parents and caregivers. Many of us know the experience of being lost in yourself and your values. The impact of over-accommodating and adapting can often show up in anxiety, depression, and trauma. As a counselor, I work to di...

Christina Cantwell



*Please note: I am currently full and not able to take any new clients at this time.* I work with individuals who are going through transitions, or who have become unhappy or dissatisfied with some aspect of their lives. I believe that people are doing the best they can, but that we get stuck in old ways of relating to ourselves and others that hold us back from having the life and relationship...

Cherie A Katt



Parker Palmer writes,"The soul speaks its truth only under quiet, inviting, and trustworthy conditions". I have created a safe and beautiful space for you to slow down and speak your truth in a soulful way. My focus is to, with empathy, work with you to heal past wounds and destructive narratives specifically around areas of spirituality and sexuality. A core human desire is to be seen and know...

Hanna-Esther Begoun



My ideal client is someone who is willing to look in the mirror and say, "I am ready to look at the part I have played in making my life unmanageable." I work best with clients who can be honest with themselves and who want to find a new, healthier path towards wholeness. In my work with clients, I strive to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment by listening with compassion, patience and...

Ruthie Neilson



I help adults,families and children to deal with the stress resulting from life transitions.Change is an inevitable part of life's journey. Some changes are anticipated and welcomed while other changes may take us by surprise and knock us flat! Whatever the case, transitions involve saying goodbye to something familiar and hello to something new; this process may evoke anger, grief and loss as ...