Find a Therapist in the City of Lakeland

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Are you looking for a therapist in the city of Lakeland? We’d like to help!

We know face-to-face therapy with a licensed therapist is an important part of managing and improving your mental health. We encourage you to use our directory of mental health professionals to locate a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or social worker near you.

Sydney believes everyone has a story worth telling and is worthy of a safe space to share. She is passionate about working with children, teenagers and young adults and seeing them grow. Whether you are looking for support for yourself or your child/ teenager Sydney encourages you to take that first step of courage and reach out!

Lauren Spencer, LMHC



Come in and settle into the healing power that is growth and wholeness. In counseling, I get the privilege of watching my clients transform in ways they never would have thought possible. Whether you feel stuck or broken, you are struggling with something specific or not so specific, we will work together to get you to a place of peace.