Find a Therapist in the City of Irvine

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Are you looking for a therapist in the city of Irvine? We’d like to help!

We know face-to-face therapy with a licensed therapist is an important part of managing and improving your mental health. We encourage you to use our directory of mental health professionals to locate a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or social worker near you.

Sunita Churiwala LMFT



I have a special interest in exploring what balance will be like for you when you're managing many areas of your life--including but not limited to-- your career, mental health, and how you show up to loved ones. Having a multicultural background allows me to recognize the complexities life is composed of and also remain open to who may walk through the door. I implement a client centered and s...

Parastoo Erdogan, LMFT



I love to work with action takers! Would you like to transform your life? Do you want to overcome the challenges in your personal journey? I will be honored to help you create the life that you have been longing for. Providing you a safe and kind environment to experience yourself and to feel supported are my main strengths that are going to motivate you to take action. My experience and knowle...