Boost Your Income: Side Hustles for Therapists

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You became a therapist to help people, but now the money isn’t quite flowing the way you anticipated. It seems like you might need to consider more than one income stream. Here are some side hustles for therapists that you may want to consider.

Benefits of a Side Hustle

Before we get into the options, let’s talk about some of the benefits of side hustles. After all, you earned your education and are working in your discipline. Why on earth would you want to do more?

Benefits of a side hustle include:

  • ​​Additional Income. This is the most obvious reason to have a side hustle and why you may be considering it. When you look at how much mental health professionals make in their base salaries, it’s not much. After all, the average therapist in the U.S. makes about $50,000 a year. Having a side hustle can help you supplement your income, pay off student loans, or fund other professional pursuits.
  • Reduced Burnout. Diversifying professional activities can prevent burnout by providing a change of pace and focus. Engaging in different types of work can refresh your enthusiasm and energy for your practice.
  • Professional Development. A side hustle can help you develop new skills and knowledge that enhance your practice. 
  • Networking Opportunities. Engaging in a side hustle can expand your professional network, opening up opportunities for collaborations and referrals.
  • Pursuing Passions. A side hustle can provide an outlet for pursuing interests that may not be directly related to your primary job, increasing overall job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
  • Expanding Services. You also can use a side hustle to offer services that don’t fit neatly into your primary practice, such as group workshops, retreats, or writing and publishing.
  • Building a Personal Brand. A side hustle can help you build a personal brand and establish yourself as an expert in specialized areas.

Side Hustle Ideas for Therapists

This side hustle thing may be sounding like a good idea to you now. After all, it offers a lot of benefits. But what exactly should you do? What would your side hustle be? How can therapists make extra income? Here are some options to consider:

  • Workshops and Group Sessions. Hosting workshops on specific topics like stress management, relationship skills, or mindfulness can earn you anywhere from $500 to $1,000 per workshop, depending on the size of the group and ticket prices.
  • Writing and Blogging. Writing or editing articles or blog posts on mental health could potentially earn you a couple thousand dollars a month with the right publishing partners.
  • Online Courses. Creating and selling online courses on mental health topics is another way to earn extra income. Depending on the course price and number of enrollees, your income from these courses could range from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Consulting. Providing expert advice to organizations on mental health policies, wellness programs, or employee training could earn you $100-$300 an hour, depending on the partner.
  • Speaking Engagements. Speaking at conferences, schools, or community events about mental health could earn you anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per event.
  • Retreats and Wellness Programs. Organizing retreats or ongoing wellness programs that combine therapy with relaxation and healing activities could earn you several thousand dollars per event, depending on the duration and exclusivity of the retreat.
  • Supervision and Training. Providing supervision to less experienced therapists or offering training sessions could earn you $50 to $150 an hour.

These are not all the options for a side hustle, but this list gives you some idea of the opportunities available.

How To Get a Side Hustle

Now that you know what side hustles for therapists exist, the question becomes how to get one. How do you make yourself known and start booking the opportunities that interest you?

Securing a side hustle means getting yourself visible and known. Here’s how:

  • Establish an Online Presence. Build a professional website that showcases your expertise and services. Include a blog to share insights and attract visitors through SEO. Use social media marketing strategies on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to share content, interact with the community, and promote your services. Regular posts about mental health topics can establish you as a thought leader.
  • Start Actively Networking. Join professional associations to meet peers and learn about opportunities. Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops to network with other professionals. Engage with your local community through events or partnerships with schools, businesses, and community centers.
  • Create Content. Write articles or books on topics in your area of expertise. Guest posting on popular mental health blogs can also increase visibility.
  • Secure Speaking Engagements. To build your reputation as a speaker, start by offering free talks at community centers, schools, and wellness events. Also, submit proposals to speak at relevant conferences. This not only boosts visibility but also positions you as an expert in your field.
  • Gain Expertise. Pursue additional training or certifications in niche areas. This specialization can make you more attractive for workshops, consulting, or courses on specific topics.
  • Partner and Collaborate. Work with other therapists, wellness professionals, or coaches to offer combined services or workshops. Offer your services to businesses looking to enhance their employee wellness programs. This can be a lucrative avenue for consulting and workshops.
  • Showcase Your Successes. Collect and prominently display testimonials from clients and participants in your programs. Be sure, of course, to protect the identities and privacy of any clients. Positive reviews can significantly enhance credibility.
  • Build an Email List. Offer valuable content or free resources in exchange for email addresses. Use this list to inform your audience about new offerings, blog posts, or upcoming events.

All Counseling Can Help

Are you ready to build your side hustle? If so, All Counseling can help by assisting you in creating and establishing your online presence through digital marketing efforts. Contact us today to learn more.

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