Psychologist, California

William James Matulich is a Psychologist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » William James Matulich

Therapist Overview

My ideal “client” is actually the service provider who would like to be more effective by amplifying their clients’ own motivation for healthy behavior change. These providers might be looking for a quicker or more efficient way to engage and focus clients’ resources for change. They might be frustrated with lack of client follow-through and adherence and want to learn how to effectively present information and advice that client’s will enthusiastically implement. Their goal is to provide the best treatment possible to their clients. The solution to many provider issues is to strengthen client motivation. The best therapies are useless with unmotivated or ambivalent clients. I provide a variety of Motivational Interviewing Learning resources, including an online, animated, 15 hour course, to help people learn how to enlist client motivation for healthy behavior change. If you want to learn how your clients can be more motivated to change, learning Motivational Interviewing can help. Pl

Contact Details

Practice Address:

San Diego
San Diego, California 92119


California / PSY6036


California School of Professional Psychology


(619) 494-1480

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