Rikki Ricard Psychotherapy is a Counselor based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.
Therapist Overview
Anxiety, depression, frustration and a basic sense of limitation or obstacle might be one of the reasons you are looking for a therapist. You may feel like you’ve tried so many things, or that you’ve been up against this so many times before and wonder if anything can truly make a difference. With over 25 years of experience I can bring my attention and care to you and to this sense of limitation you may be feeling. I am committed to helping you experience a new relationship to yourself and to those in your life. I would say that my speciality is that I have a variety of trainings culminating in my psychoanalytic certification, that along with my life experiences enables me to bring both warmth and insight to my work as a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. Relationships, depression, anxiety, and limits are areas we can explore. You’re concerns are unique to you but also most likely shared by many. Helping you make contact with yourself in a new way as well as feeling more connected to
Contact Details
Practice Address:
Seattle, Washington 98144