Therapist, North Carolina

Anne Geary is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

I teach the Enneagram Approach in the Healthcare, Education and Recovery Communities. The Enneagram Approach offers a framework and methodology to integrate the somatic, psychological and spiritual facets of a human being. It is a powerful and practical tool for understanding human personalities. The Enneagram distinguishes nine personality types and describes the strengths, potentials, and challenges of each. These nine types reveal the spectrum of perspectives, which unconsciously or consciously, shape our approach to relationships. Understanding and working with the Enneagram will open the door to deeper insights into oneself and give you a more appreciative approach to the diverse perspectives of others. The Enneagram personality system encompasses all levels of psychological development. The Enneagram framework is compatible with most traditional belief systems. My work on the Enneagram is published in Cinemeducation: Using Film and Other Visual Media in Graduate and Medical Educa

Contact Details

Practice Address:

The Enneagram Center of Charlotte 210 South Caswell Charlotte
Charlotte, North Carolina 28204



The Enneagram Institute, with Honors


(704) 870-0564

Professional Overview


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