
Kimberly Garrett is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

Home » Therapists » Kimberly Garrett

Therapist Overview

My primary emphasis is on issues related to children and adolescents such as anxiety, depression, behavioral concerns, and ADHD, as well as family concerns such as divorce. I am currently working to become a registered play therapist and have training in CBT, mindfulness, and Kid Yoga. I currently supervise Master’s level clinicians who are in the process of gaining their Professional licenses. I look forward to meeting your child or adolescent.

Contact Details

Practice Address:

Kimberly Garrett, LPC Fenton, MO 63026


Missouri / 2009007165


Missouri Baptist University


(314) 329-0635

Professional Overview


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