
Joyce Sun is a Therapist based in the USA. My areas of speciality include . This profile is currently unclaimed; please validate the details are current when communicating with the mental health professional.

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Therapist Overview

( English | 中文 ) Do you sometimes feel controlled by anxiety? Have you been stressed by work, relationships, family issues and etc.? What would your life look like if you can live your fullest without being confined by these concerns? By browsing this website right now, you are opening a window for changes and endless possibilities. Over 16+ yrs of my clinical practice, I have witnessed changes are indeed possible, especially for those determined to make their life different. I look forward to joining the journey with you, for healing, self-compassion, reconnection, and exploration. Together, we will tailor a new script for your life story. I have various tools to help you meet your short-term and/or long-term treatment goals. I specialize in research-supported approaches, including cognitive-behavioral, dialectical-behavioral, and mindfulness practice for fast symptom reductions. I also utilize insight-oriented and experiential approaches to bring awareness of your development trajectory. Over a decade of my clinical practice, I have witnessed that changes are indeed possible, especially for those determined to make their life different. I am a well-trained, responsible, ethical, and culturally sensitive professional. You will be in good hands. I offer both in-person and online therapy to best fit your preference/needs/ and lifestyle. 生活在節奏快速的灣區,你是否常覺得被壓力綑綁? 來自工作的、感情婚姻的、親子議題、以及跟家中長輩的各種壓力如影隨行,即使擁有讓人稱羨的各種外在條件,還是常覺得痛苦而空虛? 披荊斬棘地在異鄉殺出一條血路,逐一實現年少時的各種夢想、終於來到一個新的高度時,卻不如當初想像的快樂充盈? 原來彩虹彼端的並沒有傳說中的寶藏,只有一個接一個的試煉,只有爬得越高卻恐懼摔得越重,只有當你蓦然回首時,發現一路上為追求目標而錯失的珍貴風景。不懂的人都覺得你應該要快樂,只有自己最清楚,當夜闌人靜時赤裸地面對挫折失落困頓懷疑迷惘恐懼與憤怒,也許還比當年兩袖清風的自己還要來的痛苦;當發現美食名車豪宅與名牌包都只能帶來短暫的快樂與表面的虛華時,只能騙的了別人卻騙不了自己時,那樣的失落幻滅,比負擔不起這些時所經歷的,還要來的更為深沉絕望。 當你打開這個視窗時,感覺到的很可能只是在人生低潮時的各種痛苦。但在此同時,你也打開了希望與改變的機會。當你感覺到此時自己的脆弱與無助時,我卻看到了你無比的勇氣與堅持,在暗無邊際的夜裡,撐著口氣尋找光明。讓我加入你的旅程吧! 我想陪伴你一起尋找光明與希望,陪你走上療癒、探索、自我疼惜、以及與他人重新連結的道路,一起為你新的人生寫一個真正充實富足的劇本,無關外在條件的。多年的實務經驗中再再地從我個案身上親眼見證,這樣的改變是真實存在的,生命是真實可以翻轉地。 從大學時成為當時最年輕的台北電話張老師到現在,已經邁入臨床工作的第20年。充滿壓力與痛苦的童年給了我在這條路上無窮無盡的動力,讓我好奇且快樂的不斷學習,且從中自助助人。自哥倫比亞大學拿到碩士後,於全美前三名博士班畢業,回台到前三大諮商研究所擔任專任助理教授,我服務過的個案與教導過的學生橫跨台美中三地、美國東西岸與中部共四州、以及來自超過15個種族與文化認同。當我的個案準備好要改變、且給予我全然的信任與合作時,每一次諮詢他們都會對自己有更深的認識,覺察自己的自動駕駛系統是如何任意且盲目地掌控各種情緒想法與行為,並學習有效具體的因應方法。超過九成的個案在跟我開始工作的兩三個月內,便有極顯著的症狀改善,許多人選擇繼續留下來,是因為諮商治療目標已經從減低痛苦轉為想更全面的了解自己,更積極的尋求真實的快樂與充盈。

Contact Details

Practice Address:

Peaceful Sunshine Psychology Inc. 3900 Newpark Mall Rd. Ste.331 Newark, CA 94560


California / 30894


University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


(866) 806-4943

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